In order to control the population of the Brown Recluse Spider, a complete and effective security procedure should be fulfilled. The following measures are widely recommended:

Preventive measures :

  • Remove storage boxes from under your bed.

  • Keep a distance between your bed and the wall.

  • Cover cracks, shut doors and windows hermetically.

  • Store objects and boxes of your garage with transparent closed plastic bags.

  • Shake clothes and shoes before putting them on.

  • Examine towels and bed sheets before using them.

  • Do not pile up wood next to the house.

  • Keep places clean, in special those areas of the house that are infrequently used.

Plague Control Measures (Brown Recluse Spider) :

  • You can use chemical agents (insecticides) to kill arachnids and insects.

  • Use non-chemical products with sticky parts to control the noxious animals.

  • CAUTION: Chemical agents must be used by qualified personnel who have the proper license for their use. These products are dangerous for humans.

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