The Camel Spider --aka wind scorpion-- is nor a spider neither a scorpion. It does not eat human flesh, it has no venom at all, it does not jump over two feet high and it is not the size of a frisbee.
![camel+spider+myth](camel+spider+myth.gif) |
We rather shall begin calling this creature with its proper description: Arachnid Solifugae. "Solifugae" means, in Latin, "flee from the sun", and this is actually what this specimen does. This fact explains the peculiar myth about Camel Spiders chasing humans across the desert; they do so, but in order to hide away from the sun in men’s shadows. The name "Camel" comes from the fact that Camel Spiders are commonly seen near a dead camel. The myth says that this creature kills camels to enter their stomach and lay its eggs inside.
Of course, this is false. Camel spiders are found around dead animals because of the number of preys a dead body can gather in the desert, so these arachnids just have to hide in the shadow of a dead camel and wait for them. |
This Arachnid is said to jump over two feet high, but the truth is that it is unable to jump at all. Yet, it is very fast and it can kill a scorpion despite the venom and tail-quick-as-whip scorpions have to defend themselves. The Camel Spider has powerful claws instead of venom and it uses them to destroy its prey into pieces and suck their liquids in order to survive in the hot desert.
- The Camel spider reaches ten miles per hour but cannot travel faster.
- Its size can rarely amount to 6 inches.
- They do not kill camels, cows, or humans; they have no venom at all.
- They do not run for men unafraid; they just try to reach their shadows.
- They cannot jump.
- They are not spiders but solifugids.