In order to control the population of the Brown Recluse Spider, a complete and effective security procedure should be fulfilled. The following measures are widely recommended:
Preventive measures : |
Remove storage boxes from under your bed.
Keep a distance between your bed and the wall.
Cover cracks, shut doors and windows hermetically.
Store objects and boxes of your garage with transparent closed plastic bags.
Shake clothes and shoes before putting them on.
Examine towels and bed sheets before using them.
Do not pile up wood next to the house.
Keep places clean, in special those areas of the house that are infrequently used.
Plague Control Measures (Brown Recluse Spider) :
You can use chemical agents (insecticides) to kill arachnids and insects.
Use non-chemical products with sticky parts to control the noxious animals.
CAUTION: Chemical agents must be used by qualified personnel who have the proper license for their use. These products are dangerous for humans.